As a person who gives intuitive (psychic) and oracle card readings, I am often contacted by people who are terrified about a reading that they received from someone else. For this reason, it is imperative that you select an intuitive that is Divinely connected, trustworthy and serious about this work. However, if you have had the unfortunate experience of having a bad reading, please read on to ease your mind!
Intuitive readings should never scare you or give you information that doesn’t resonate with you. Years ago, a friend of mine went to a holistic fair and received a reading from someone that told her she had cancer. She was terrified! She wasn’t experiencing any health problems and thought it would be fun to sit down with a psychic and have a reading. After that reading, she went to the multiple doctors to confirm that she did NOT have cancer. Unfortunately, what she was left with was fear, anxiety, and a bad representation of what a psychic reading should provide.
Another friend of mine had a reading at a psychic fair and the psychic told her that her husband was going to die soon. Whoa! What a terrible and irresponsible thing to say to someone who is vulnerable and open.
Has something similar happened to you or your loved one? If so, rest as ease. Our paths are not set in stone. Readings are simply a snapshot in time. A really good intuitive is going to pick up on the energy around you via your thoughts and vibrations. Think about it – in the instance above, my friend was worried about her husband dying so the psychic must have misinterpreted her fear as something absolute.
Everything exists in energetical potential. A good intuitive is acting as a channel and an interpreter of the energy that they see and receive on your behalf. It should resonate with you on a soul level. If it doesn’t resonate with you, discard it! Since everything exists in energetical potential, focusing on it can sometimes bring the very thing you don’t want. No psychic is 100% accurate 100% of the time. Furthermore, intuitive guidance doesn’t come forward to terrify us. Don’t put too much stock in a psychic that told you something awful. Let it go.
If you have had a scary reading that you can’t seem to shake, I would recommend an energy healing. Energy healings can help sweep away all of that fear energy, cut energetic cords to the person that gave the reading, and ground your energy so that you can release it and forget about it.
Remember, Spirit doesn’t scare us. Psychics are regular people using their brains to process channeled information. They can make mistakes. Also, not all psychics are using their gifts to improve, empower, and help others. Trust your intuition over everything else, because it will never lead you astray!
Thanks for reading!
Sending love,
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