Tarot, pronounced tair (rhymes with hair) oh (second t is silent) is a divination tool dating back to the 15th century. It’s an instrument used to access Divine guidance and gain insight in times of joy as well as times of challenge.  Tarot decks are structured and generally the same regardless of who created or published them.  Oracle cards are also divination tools, but they are varied and free flowing.  The images, meanings, and number of cards included in the deck are varied.  I typically use a combination of oracle and tarot cards in my readings.

It’s normal to feel tense and sometimes blocked when encountering stressful situations. These reactions often make it difficult to decipher Divine messages from our own fear based messages. Oracle cards bring clarity, peace, and comfort and realign us with our path.

As an intuitive tarot card reader, I use the cards in conjunction with my own intuition to channel the messages that you most need to hear. I set the tone to only work with high vibrational guides–I do not allow negative entities to enter my readings. My readings are safe and for the client’s highest good.